Nemo Link CAL24 (V) Auctions - OPEN NOW

Published: 20/11/2023 | 14:02

Please be advised that the Annual Capacity Auctions for Calendar 2024 on the Nemo Link Interconnector (GB-BE border) are NOW open for bidding. Please find below the details of the auctions for your information. 

Auction timings: 
Opening at 14:00 CET Monday 20 November 
Closing at 14:00 CET Tuesday 21 November 

Offered Capacity: 
GB-BE 64 MW (50MW ATC +14MW Return) 
BE-GB 50 MW 

Auction IDs 



Maintenance periods: 
23/09/2024 00:00 ‐ 30/09/2024 00:00 (CET/CEST) - all inclusive 
Interconnector Capacity: 0 MW 

Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact the Nemo Link Customer Team