Q&A answered by TSOs
Q&A answered by TSOs

Please note, replies to questions that are relevant for all MPs are posted in this section. Questions can be directed to alegro@magnus.nl

Q: It should be possible to make a linear combination of the two ALEGrO bidding zones and represent only one (1) extra column to the algorithm and utility tool (in the current case of lossless implementation at least.). The would improve scalability.
It is also possible to optimize the tap-position of phase shifting transformers in a similar way and maybe even switch non-costly remedial actions?. Who would be doing research and implementation work in this field?

A: The current implementation relies on zero sum in the net position of the CWE hubs (including the virtual hubs). In addition, the explicit link between the two virtual hubs with an ATC border translates the equality constraint in an efficient way. Although the suggested implementation is possible, it would require further evolutions to the market coupling algorithm which are currently not foreseen .

Elia has recently published a paper (flex in market design- https://www.elia.be/-/media/project/elia/shared/documents/elia-group/publications/studies-and-reports/20191212_future_proofing_eu_system_2030.pdf) which includes the optimization of PSTs and HVDCs in the market coupling. At this stage most work on this topic does not include switching actions directly in the market coupling since this is a non-linear action (changing the PTDFs and RAMs), leading to difficulties during the optimization.

Q: The sheets ALEGrO FBP results are the ones taking into account both FB plain/ evolved  AND the integration of the Alegro: meaning, the ALEGRO FBP sheets report the final actual values of the parallel run.

A: Correct

Q: In the sheet ALEGrO FBP_FB I see in columns C till I the net position of the market areas:
in order to compare the NEX of Germany today published on the JAO utility tool ( the normal NEX) with the results of the parallel run, should I sum the position of DE and ALDE ( same for BE: need to sum BE NEX + the ALBE) 

A: No, you should not sum DE and ALDE. Please just compare DE in/ for both cases.

Q: The commercial flows on the Alegro cable are represented by the net exchanges on ALBE and ALDE: do I understand correctly that a commercial flows BE>DE has sign + on the are ALDE ( and represent an injection in the German node of the Alegro)?

A: If ALBE has a positive sign and ALDE has a negative sign, then the HVDC interconnector is injecting into BE (physically speaking) and off taking in DE, which represents and exchange from DE->BE. Hence, your statement is correct, a + sign in ALDE represent an injection in the German node of Alegro.

Q: So far apparently the day that mainly benefitted by the introduction of the cable is the 4th of June (see graph’s price below): why is then the flow on the cable capped at 400 MW? And how can I anticipate the reduction on the cable such on the 4th of June?

A: On June 4th default FB parameters (DFP) were applied, both in operations and in the ALEGrO // run. In case of DFP, the FB domain is based on the LTA domain which happens to be 400 MW for Alegro. We do not foresee this happening on a regular basis.