IN CCR Quarterly reporting

This report is jointly submitted to ACER, Italy North NRAs and published on JAO by both CORESO and TSCNET for the Italy North region CCC process for both the Intraday and Day-Ahead process in fulfilment of the RCC reporting obligations as covered within Article 16.3 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/943. The content of the report also covers the reporting requirements according to Article 26.5 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 towards the IN NRAs.

The report for each quarter contains three key components:
•    Reporting cases of reduction of capacity or deviation from coordinated actions per timestamps (TS) for the region
•    Assessing the incidences related to reduction of capacities or deviation from coordinated actions per timestamps – data analysis of how many TS were affected on a quarterly basis
•    Making recommendations, if necessary, on how to avoid such deviations in the future