Nemo Link CAL24 (VIII) Auctions - OPEN NOW 

Published: 13/12/2023 | 14:08

Please be advised that the Annual Capacity Auctions for Calendar 2024 on Nemo Link are NOW open for bidding. Please find below the details of the auctions for your information.  

Auction Timings:  
Opening at 14:00 CET Wednesday 13 December  
Closing at 14:00 CET Thursday 14 December  

Offered Capacity:  
GB-BE 64MW (50MW ATC + 14MW Return) 
BE-GB 50MW  

Auction IDs: 



Maintenance Periods:  
23/09/2024 00:00 ‐ 30/09/2024 00:00 (CET/CEST) - all inclusive  
Interconnector Capacity: 0 MW  

Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact the Nemo Link Customer Team.